Autumn is, without a doubt, my favourite time of year - cooler weather, warmer clothes, nourishing noms. This beautiful time of year is natures way of telling us to slow down and prepare to move inwards. This is a great time to give yourself permission to rest, pump the brakes, and to enjoy the present moment a little more. As the weather changes we may notice changes in our sense of health and wellbeing, so here are 3 easy tips to help keep you feeling good this autumn.
Support your nutrition
This is pretty important all year round, but there are a few simple ways to support your nutrition during this time of year. Knowing what's in season is always a great place to start. I really love this free resource from Sustainable Table as a quick reference to what's available produce wise. Eating seasonally has many documented benefits, and is a cost effective way to get the best of your fruit and veg. As the weather cools, we may naturally feel the pull towards comfort food like stews, soups, bakes or puddings. These days, we are so lucky to live in an age where we have a plethora of recipes and meal inspo that can cater to just about every taste, type and tolerance level. If you have a favourite recipe, look for ways that you can tweak it to give it an extra nutritional boost with some sneaky veg, legumes, or swap out the heavy fats like cream or butter to lighter options like olive oil, natural yoghurt, avocado, or ghee. Foods that are especially good to help give yourself a boost may include citrus fruits, apples, bone broth, lean protein (like chicken or oily fish), leafy greens, brassicas, root veg, spices (like chilli, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise or pepper), legumes, nuts, and my favourite, good quality dark chocolate (in moderation of course). As the weather cools, remember to keep your water up too so you are not feeling too sluggish or dehydrated.
2. Embrace the power of 'hygge'
'Hygge' (pronounced hue-gah) is a Danish term embodying a feeling, moment or experience that is cozy, comforting and special. As the weather gets colder and the days seem shorter, become aware of what makes your feel nourished, comforted or comfortable? What memories growing up made your house a home, or bring warmth and comfort to you? For me, it's the smell of a home-cooked meal, my favourite candle flickering away, a nice big knit jumper and a hot cup of tea. It could be the sensory experience of creating and enjoying a home cooked meal, going for a brisk, mindful walk, lighting a candle or two to create a soothing ambience, a soft, comfy blanket on your favourite chair, a quiet moment with a spiced hot chocolate and a good book, time spent laughing with loved ones. Clear your space of any clutter and spruce it up with a few neutral items that might inspire this amazing concept for you. Ultimately, remember that hygge is not something that can be bought, it is something that can be created and completely personalised to you!
3. Turn off the technology
Even if for an hour or two. Dedicate that time to being present. Do something for yourself that you have been putting off. Give yourself permission to just be, without judgement or expectation. Go for a walk in nature. Journal or meditate. Get creative with an arty project or maybe finish one off. Clean, declutter or reorganise your space. Read another chapter or two of that book you have been stuck on for ages. Spend some time with the family. Play a board game with your kids. Go out for a coffee or a catch-up with a friend. Catch up on some much needed rest. Go outside and get some vitamin D or do some exercise. The possibilities are endless! We all know the benefits of limiting time with technology, yet in our modern world, this can be so hard to do. Give it a go, and note the difference in your day!